"The Philharmonic Gets Dressed"


Junior announced yesterday, "Me and Elizabeth hate November." (Elizabeth is a dear chum of his.)  Why? I asked him, thinking he'd say something about the dreary weather. "Because there's no Halloween and no candy, and we don't like that." So, there.

Here's a happier way to look at the eleventh month of the year, although it still doesn't involve sweets: November is National Adoption Awareness Month. Manhattan's  Spence Chapin social services agency operates a Book Nook online, with suggested titles for babies through teenagers.  One of the recommendations is The Best Single Mom in the World, by Mary Zisk. The author is  profiled by a Princeton, NJ, newspaper today. Given their creativity and focus on books, I enjoy reading several homeschool blogs, even though we're not homeschoolers ourselves, and  Hopewell Mom School is one run by a single adoptive  mother.


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