Weekend Reading 4/21
April 21, 2006
Children's book controversy (King & King, again) in Massachusetts, in the Boston Globe. See also Read Roger's take on the brouhaha. (Blogger Roger Sutton is also the editor of The Horn Book.)
"This Is My Last Entry: Why I Shut Down My Blog," by Sarah Hepola, at Slate (muchas gracias to Gail Gauthier's Original Content)
The Bangor Daily News profiles first-time author Gail Page, who wrote How to Be a Good Dog. Daniel Pinkwater praised the picture book on NPR back in February.
A childhood love of Little Women led to a Pulitzer for Australian writer Geraldine Brooks. Story in the Sydney Morning Herald.
The Mystery Writers of America hand out the Edgar Awards on April 27th. Click over to the association's web site for the list of nominees, including those in the young adult and juvenile categories. (Thank you to Kids Lit for the heads up.)
Publishers Weekly gives tips on "hot" kids' books at the upcoming BookExpo America, which takes place in D.C. May 19th-21st.