Poetry Friday: Auden and His Housemates
Jan Brett's Advice


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That is so pretty!

Gorgeous - I want to sit beside it and read...

Absolutely stunning. It is a wordless poem.

Is that Jamaica Pond? It looks really familiar. (I lived in Brookline, MA while attending Simmons.) It also makes me homesick, despite only having lived in New England for 3 1/2 years. The West Coast's falls just aren't the same.

Thanks, y'all! I'm having fun with the camera. Stacy, it's just a little pond in my CT neighborhood and a good place to watch the change of seasons and to observe a little wildlife. Last week I saw snapping turtles, a great heron, and a bunch of wood ducks there.

Ahhh, to live in environs where the leaves change color. Well, they do sometimes here on the coastal plain. I'm still waiting.


Thanks, Camille. I HAD to get a decent camera before October got away from me. We have spent way too many years with those throwaway cameras from the drugstore.

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