Poetry Friday: Macbeth
Grand Central: Train Terminal, Metaphor, Publishing House. (And More News.)

Speaking of Blogs

Which blogs do you like that are not about children's literature? Liz. B. at A Chair, A Fireplace, and A Tea Cozy sent a meme my way with that question in mind. Name five, she said.

Okay! Here are some blogs that I enjoy.

Maud Newton: books, literature
Chekhov's Mistress: books, literature
About Last Night (Terry Teachout): theater, culture, classical music, art, music, movies, books, Manhattan
Quiet Bubble: books, movies, comics, jazz
Filmi Geek: Bollywood reviews
The various blogs at the Jackson (Miss.) Free Press, an alternative weekly newspaper

Yes, that's six+ blogs. Why stop at five!

So, what's a meme? If you are new to blogging, you may not be aware of this term, which sounds like the name of a poodle or something lifted from the collected works of a literary theorist. A meme is a set of questions that gets passed around blogs, the equivalent of a chain letter—but more fun! Why more fun? Because you're not in for years of bad luck if you ignore it. I also like the occasional meme because I get to find out about new (to me) blogs by reading everyone's lists.

So, what non-children's-book blogs do you read? I am tagging the following blogs and everyone else who wants to answer: This Just In, Kelly Fineman, A Fondness for Reading, Readathon, Whimsy Books, and Educating Alice. If you don't want to post a meme, don't worry about it. If you do, consider yourself tagged.

Happy Saturday to one and all.


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Initially, I wasn't sure I read enough non-kidlit blogs to play, but that was erroneous, of course.

Thanks for your lists, Kelly.

For more Bollywood, I recommend Filmiholic, Beth Loves Bollywood, and Ugly, Ugly Bollywood Fugly (where I blog occasionally.

Thank you for your blog and for the other great blogs I have found through Chicken Spaghetti.

Pooja, how awesome is that! More Bollywood. Thank you for the list. Adding right away to Bloglines. I hope to see London Namastey this week.

I just saw and loved "The Namesake" this weekend. (I know it's not Bollywood, though Filmi Geek did review it.)

Natalie, what a great way to start the morning! Thank you for those nice words.

Susan, thanks so much for tagging me! I feel almost famous! I wrote my "list" today (it's only one blog, so I cheated!) But, really, thank you!

Kate, thank YOU for playing along with the meme.

Great meme! And this has nothing to do with your post, but I'm glad to hear The Namesake was a good movie. Can't wait to see it!

Thanks! "The Namesake" is really moving. As much as I liked the novel, I think the film may be even more emotional resonant!

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