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Little House on the Lam

Laura Ingalls Wilder entered our house in March, inspired a maple candy extravaganza, and now she is hiding. She is due at the library, and despite calling her name, she does not show up. (I feel like author Robin Brande with her buried desk.) Earlier this week I found a slim picture book in an archive a pile atop a stereo speaker; the book was a mere four weeks overdue. So, I know Laura is here somewhere.

While I search, you can catch Blog from the Windowsill's spin on the Ingalls family.


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I keep telling myself that one day I will put a wonderfully forgiving librarian in one of my books. The kind that overlooks all those late fees and books that always go missing in action -- but eventually are found, right?

Think of your fines as showing financial support to your library. That is how I clear my conscience, anyway!

Loree Burns

I always manage to make the Most Unwanted List at libraries. My books hide too. Naughty little books!

What makes it especially difficult in our house is the number of ex-library books we have, affording the legitimate library books ample opportunity to blend in on the bookshelves, where they know they're not supposed to be!

I'm currently reading FLYTE by Angie Sage in preparation for her visit to our 4th and 5th grades later this month. The ExtraOrdinary Wizard's Apprentice, Septimus Heap, has a fun magical device we both need. It's a sort of magnet that, when you hold it with the open side out and think hard about the object you've lost, the object comes to the magnet. (I'm thinking it's only safe to use it to find smallish, non-living items...but library books qualify for that!) Now, if only I had it to find Akiko, v.3...I was SURE I returned it...

Hey, everybody. In the middle of my search, I came across Joan Didion's "Year of Magical Thinking" and my husband's missing watch. I had forgotten about the Didion book, which, fortunately, is mine, not the library's. Or I would have been in big trouble! I did find Little House--on a book shelf, no less. The wrong book shelf, but still. Because I check out so many library books, I try (note the "try") to keep them all in one place.

I stopped by the library and made arrangements for Laura to stay until we finish her book.

I definitely need that magnet.

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