On the Books, with YA Author Tanita S. Davis
Poetry Friday: Boo!

Children's Books Pop Quiz, Oct. 30

Normal_pencil_5 Students, please go to the nearest mouse. It's time for a pop test. Those who wish to cheat may do so by clicking on the blanks or reading the answer key at the end.

1. The largest children's bookstore in North America is in ___________________.

2. An adaptation of The ____, the ____, and the ____ is the next musical at Minneapolis's Children's Theatre Company. (Starts November 11th.)

3. The Calvert County (Maryland) Board of Library Trustees voted unanimously to keep the book ______________ on the shelves in the children's section, with the other picture books.

4. On this day before Halloween, you can test your knowledge of literary ________ by taking a quiz at The Guardian.

5. At the recent Rabbit Hill Festival of Literature, artist E.B. Lewis said that the 2005  _______ show at the Eric Carle Museum gave him a new appreciation for that author-illustrator's work. By the way, the next meeting of the ________ Society takes place at the Sloane Club, in London, on December 6th.

6. Related to #5, the book  __________ celebrates its centenary this year.

7. The upcoming bicentennial of ________'s birthday has inspired the recent publication of many books, including _____ ______ Crosses a Creek: A Tall Thin Tale (Introducing His Forgotten Frontier Friend); The ______: A Scrapbook Look at _______ and Mary; and ______ Honest Words: The Life of ___________.

8. ___________ tops the picture-book bestseller list at the New York Times this week. 

9. There is a "race row over golliwogs sold in __________ shop" in the UK. The shop's owner defends her wares and poses for a photo. Both the defending and the posing are remarkably ill-advised.

10. Readers can sign a petition asking the post office to make a stamp honoring  _______________ , the 1963 Caldecott winner.

Answer key:

1. Vancouver; 2. Lion, Witch, Wardrobe; 3. And Tango Makes Three; 4. witches; 5. Beatrix Potter, Beatrix Potter; 6. The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck; 7. Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Lincolns, Abraham, Abe's, Abraham Lincoln; 8. ABC3D; 9. Enid Blyton. 10. The Snowy Day.


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Oh now that was fun (although I didn't get as many correct as I probably should have...).

Way funny, Susan! Thanks for brightening my day. I love what you did with the blank links.

Adrienne, since I was the test compiler, I scored 100. Ha.

Jen, thanks. It's fun to goof off occasionally. I do want The Snowy Day to be a stamp! That's a cause I can get into.

That was fun, even though I missed more than I thought I would. Thanks!

Loved this! You should make this a weekly or monthly quiz!

Deanna, you're welcome. Thanks for dropping by and taking the test!

Wisteria, now you're giving me ideas. Uh oh. Maybe the next quiz will be multiple choice. I could have some fun with that!

What a creative and awesome way to share kidlit news! I agree with Wisteria that this should be a weekly or monthly thing. :D

Y'all are egging me on, Tarie. I think it's a go!

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