December Carnival of Children's Literature Over Yonder + Gift-Idea Bonanza
Stocking-Stuffer Books for Grown-Ups

"It's a Narnia Christmas" at the NY Times

Evergreen Laura Miller, author of  The Magician's Book: A Skeptic's Adventures in Narnia, writes an op-ed piece today, which begins,

Every Christmas, I re-read C .S. Lewis’s novel “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.” The holiday seems like the ideal time for an excursion into my imaginative past, and so I return to the paperback boxed set of “The Chronicles of Narnia” that my parents gave me for Christmas when I was 10. For me, Narnia is intimately linked with the season.

Read the whole essay here.

Meanwhile, 'tis the season here at Chicken Spaghetti of The Best of the Best: Kids' Books '08, a collection of links to many year-end lists. From the Abilene Reporter News's Top Ten Texas reads to the Washington Post's audio-book recommendations, you'll find lots. One terrific new addition is from Good Comics for Kids, a new School Library Journal blog.


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Although L, W, and W. is certainly good for Christmas, my favorite re-read is The Dark is Rising...

Charlotte, all our books were packed away this Christmas and Hanukkah because of construction work here at home. It was kinda weird without them.

One of these days I'll have to check out The Dark Is Rising.

I have been very interested to read The Best of the Best Kids books 08, and have spent much too long visting the linked sites. What a great way of letting parents know about the best books available for their children.
I am the published author of a children's book (up to age 8), and hope that one day, my book will appear in one of these lists. Thanks you.
Irene J Harvey
[email protected]

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