In the Library
Strunk and White's "Elements of Style" Celebrates a Birthday

Rhyme Crazy

Good heavens. The GottaBook blog is going absolutely rhyme crazy. For National Poetry Month (April, to civilians), GottaBook's proprietor is promising new work by some of the finest kids' poets in the land. Take a look at the lineup, which I've borrowed directly from GottaBook:

Every month is fun on the children's literature sites, but April is especially festive, what with the verses and such popping up like daffodils. Teachers, including home educators, should also take a look at the extensive list of resources that the Farm School blog provides. The list includes new and newish titles of poetry books for children.


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Thanks for the shout out, Susan. April's gonna be fun (and not all rhyming, either!). And Farm School's list is fabulous, indeed.

Oh what a party we will have! And if I could draw (or had Photoshop, OR knew how to use it), I love the idea of a drawing of a field of daffodils, each with a poet on its "trumpet", shouting out a poem for April.

Thanks so much for the mention, Susan, and Happy National Poetry Month to you!

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