Urban Farmer
June 14, 2009
I had a feeling I might like this memoir when I came upon on its first sentence, a gentle twist on the opening of Isak Dinesen’s “Out of Africa.” Here is Novella Carpenter: “I have a farm on a dead-end street in the ghetto.”
But I didn’t truly fall in love with “Farm City: The Education of an Urban Farmer” until I hit Page 38. That’s when the bees that Ms. Carpenter has purchased from a mail order company arrive at her post office in Oakland, Calif. A panicked postal employee calls, begging her to pick them up because they’re attracting other bees and “freaking everyone out.”
Oh, man. MUST READ. My TBR pile will not thank you, Susan, but I do!
Posted by: Melissa Wiley | June 15, 2009 at 01:30 PM
Susan, I'm noticing that the more adult books you're reading and blogging about, the more adult books are creeping into my holds list and to read pile. Not a bad thing, although they do slow me down a little. Maybe that's not a bad thing though, either, eh?
Posted by: adrienne | June 15, 2009 at 04:22 PM
Melissa and Adrienne, I really, really enjoyed this book, but parts are not for the faint of heart. Carpenter raises animals for food--and has to make her peace all that that entails (helping them, er, meet their maker). But I find urban farming, homesteading, community gardens and such completely fascinating. I'm even planning to re-read Animal, Vegetable, Miracle.
Adrienne, just yesterday I was thinking that I may need to change the blog's tag line at some point. I did read a kids' book that I loved today. The "new" Arnold Lobel.
Posted by: Susan (Chicken Spaghetti) | June 15, 2009 at 05:46 PM
I cannot imagine shipping bees to the Oakland post office. That alone cracks me right up. There are some places in Oakland that I could see farming... but they're where rather posh houses are, so... Huh. This looks like one I've GOT to get. It sounds a bit like my childhood!
Posted by: tanita | June 16, 2009 at 06:24 AM
Hey, Tanita. The neighborhood where Carpenter keeps her farm on a vacant lot is right near a highway. She had the soil tested and surprisingly there was no lead.
I hope you'll write about your childhood "farm" too!
Posted by: Susan (Chicken Spaghetti) | June 16, 2009 at 10:57 AM
I have a friend who's trying to do the urban farmer thing. Definitely not for the faint of heart! This week they're learning how to slaughter bunnies for meat. Me, I think I'll read the book and leave it at that.
Posted by: Ali | June 16, 2009 at 09:08 PM
Yeah, me, too! I'm sticking with plants and hens who lay eggs! Yet I am so intrigued by urban farming. Does your friend have a blog?
Posted by: Susan (Chicken Spaghetti) | June 17, 2009 at 12:00 PM