More World War I Books for Kids
The Salmon Bears

Why I Love Riding Around in the Car

Six words: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

The formerly Harry Potter-averse 11 year old and I are loving the audio version of the first book in J.K. Rowling's famous series. Loving it! I know, I know, we're so late to the Jim Dale fan club. The English actor is the narrator for all the H.P. audiobooks, and has a different voice for each character. We're listening to a 7-CD set that I borrowed from the local library. 8 hours and 17 minutes of entertainment for free. Er, well, except for the gas.

The reasons that the kiddo wanted nothing to do with Harry Potter before this are known only to him, but I suspect that competitive talk among classmates in the past had something to do with it. ("I first read Harry Potter in PreK! All by myself!") We're over that now.

And we're taking the long way home.


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I listen to those audio books (we have 1 and 6, I cannot defend the choice of 6 over 3 in the slightest) all by myself.

Jody, I totally understand! It's all I can do not to listen to them when Jr. is not with me. Sometimes we sit in the car in the driveway after getting home so that we can hear what happens.

That's lovely - perhaps when the rain really starts up you can build a fire and kick back and just lie and listen in the dark...

And yes, I am always impressed with early readers, but seriously, they can intimidate, and I always wonder how much some six year old is getting out of HP1. Seriously.

Sitting by the fire and listening would be heavenly! These days I am digging kids' audiobooks.

I am amazed by those early readers, too. I remember my cousin being able to read the sign "Merging Traffic" at about four. We would all clap when she did.

We loved listening to the HP audios on frequent family vacations to Colorado. Jim Dale is amazing!

Michelle, the ride to school is so much more fun with HP. Just this morning was the whole mountain troll episode. Very exciting!

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