Oh, That Dratted Louisa May Alcott
Norman's Best Books of 2010

More Updates to the List, Plus Lizards, 12.18.10

This last week I've been reading Cybils books and updating The Best Children's Books 2010: A List of Lists and Awards.

While searching for kids-book items, I stumbled across some great recs for adults—the San Francisco Chronicle's Best 2010 Books by Bay Area authors. So far, I've written down seven titles from there that I want to read; I am so happy to find a list that isn't the same old, same old.

After reading lots of science-related books lately, I know of a couple that would make great gifts for the young naturalist: Nic Bishop Lizards, with its fabulous photos of the same, and Journey into the Deep: Discovering New Ocean Creatures, by Rebecca L. Johnson, featuring photographs of delightfully weird-looking animals discovered during the recent Census of Marine Life. Both are picture books for older readers--7+ for Lizards, and 10+ for Journey, younger for read-alouds, of course. Journey into the Deep was nominated for a Cybil award, and Nic Bishop Lizards should have been.

Meanwhile, some new kids-book-lists additions here at Chicken Spaghetti:

AAAS/Science Books & Film Gift Guide (AAAS=American Asssociation for the Advancement of Science)

BoingBoing Gift Guide. Includes some books for children & teens.

January Magazine

MSNBC.com. Comic Log's best science books for children and teens

PRI's The World

R.J. Julia (Madison, CT, bookstore)

San Francisco Chronicle: Books for Hanukkah and Christmas

Smithsonian Magazine: Notable Books

Surprising Science, a Smithsonian Magazine blog: Great science books

Welcome to My Tweendom. Five books for tweens.


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I really like the reviews from SB&F which is mention on the MSNBC post. They review the good and the bad, helping non science folks like me know when books have bad science and really need to be avoided. I've found some really good books there!

Edi, thanks for your comment. After reading it, I wanted to look at the SB&F page again and discovered its gift guide, which is great. I added it on here, too. Lists of good science books are some of my favorites; I think because my kiddo likes this kind of book so much.

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