Poetry Friday: Bootleg (Found Poem)
The Chicken Spaghetti Gift Guide 2011

Found Poetry: Fascinating...and a Invitation (for Poetry Friday)

Rhymes with Fascinating


Aggravating, calculating, carbon dating,

figure skating,

in-line skating,

maid-in-waiting, nauseating, open dating,

operating, penetrating, suffocating, titillating.


Source: Merriam-Webster Online. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fascinating Website accessed 12.15.12.

I am seeing poems all over these days. (Uh, oh.) Last week it was in a nonfiction YA book; today the poetry comes via the Merriam-Webster online dictionary entry on the word "fascinating." I cracked up when I read the above. It struck me as a delightfully weird collection of rhyming words. If someone were writing a poem, would she really like to rhyme "fascinating" with "carbon dating"?

Heck, yeah.

So, of course, I had to try my hand at it.


Rhymes with Fascinating II

Overrating, understating, mammal mating,

Silver plating, shark baiting, beagle crating,

Syncopating, procrastinating, cheese grating,

Enervating, table waiting, double dating,

Seven eighting, railroad freighting, irritating.


Other children's book bloggers are also talking about poetry on Friday. (I am posting a little early). See the Poetry Friday roundup tomorrow at Kate Coombs' blog, Book Aunt.

And go ahead. Take a shot at your own "Rhymes With Fascinating" in the comments.


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I like your version better than the original! :-)

Ha. Thanks, Julie. I got a kick out of that weird little conglomeration of words and had to make my own!

Oh the rhythm of rhymes! Will have my daughter read your poem aloud. Quirky! :)

Yes, quirky! Glad you enjoyed this one, Myra.

Terrific! I wish I had time to give this a go! I'll have to come back to it.

Now this is poetry!

Rhymes gone crazy, right, Sherry? :)

Raising Boys

manner training/flatulating
rumble abating/ball inflating
jeese that's irritating!
oy they're fascinating!

FUN! Have you checked out Julie Larios' index poem this week? I think someone needs to do a whole collection of poems like this -- inspired by/found in reference books and/or written in the form of one of the structures of nonfiction...

Good one, Andi! Love the "celebrating/confiscating." I know both well.

Mary Lee, no, I must go read that one. Thank you. I actually laughed out loud at the Merriam-Webster entry because it struck me as so random.

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