Quoted: Wild

Blog Break

Good morning, everyone. I am taking a bit of a blog break, but hope to return before too long. My father passed away recently. When I was a little girl, he read aloud every single one of Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House books to me. Dad would get so wrapped up in the stories that he would read ahead in the books after I went to sleep. During one of his trips up east, my father made sure to visit Malone, New York, childhood home of Wilder's husband, Alonzo. Farmer Boy is set there, and that was one of Dad's favorites in the series. I have such good memories of my father, and his reading aloud to me is one of them. A beautiful gift. 


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So sweet. I love thinking about your dad reading to you and reading ahead for himself. Has nothing to do with Little House, but I'll always remember your parents taking us to the vegetarian restaurant in Nashville. I'm sure it probably wasn't what they'd have chosen if we'd left it to them, but they showed such enthusiasm for it nevertheless!

I'm so sorry Susan about your loss. What a GREAT memory of your Dad - I always say, reading with your child is such a gift, one that your children will remember long after the book is closed.

I'm sorry to hear about your father's passing, but it's nice to hear how he set you on a path to a life of reading. Good memories.

Michelle, Kathy, and Adrienne, thank you. Everyone's kind words during this time have been a real comfort.

P.S. Michelle, remember my father saying "and the food was so attractively presented!" That still makes me smile.

I'm sorry to hear your news, Susan. I hope you can wrap yourself in the good memories... and we'll all be here whenever you return. In the meantime, my thoughts are with you and yours.

Sorry to hear about your Dad, Susan. Thanks for sharing that lovely memory of him. Farmer Boy's my favorite LH book, too. ((hugs))

I'm so sorry to hear this news, Susan, but like everyone has said before me, I'm so glad that you have such wonderful memories of him - and thank you for sharing them with us. You're in my thoughts.


So sorry for your loss, Susan. Thanks so much for sharing that loving memory of your dad.
Leslie B.

Greg, Jama, Laura, and Leslie, thank you for your kind words.

Such beautiful memories. I'm sure your memories of your father will help you keep inspired in doing your best in life!

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