April 13, 2012
I've been to Graceland a couple of times, and even wrote a little gift book about Elvis for a book packager years ago. The following passage, though, which comes from Darcey Steinke's memoir, Easter Everywhere, strikes me as about the truest thing I've ever read about E.P.
In Graceland light seems to come at you from all directions, as if the sun has liquefied and flowed into the floor, walls, and ceiling. I recognized in the glittery decor a longing for transcendence that is often labeled as tacky.
"A longing for transcendence." Beautiful.
Aaw, sweet. I guess that's what we're all looking for—in more or less tacky variations. (And I have that wonderful little round-ish book in a very prominent place on my bookshelf!)
Posted by: Michelle | April 13, 2012 at 07:18 PM
If only we could recognize that in everyone, and in everything.
Imagine how we'd then look at people caked in make-up and swaying on five-inch heels. Looking for beauty. Looking for transcendence. Sure, wearing glitter and dripping with costume jewelry may not make it, but knowing what someone seeks - or might be seeking - or what we all want - could change us.
I like that.
Posted by: tanita | April 14, 2012 at 06:47 AM
Michelle and Tanita, I really liked that, too! It seems so wise to me. I enjoyed the book very much. Darcey Steinke just may have inspired me to pick up Thomas Merton's Seven Storey Mountain. Have either of you read it?
I am still liking Middlemarch, too. I do take little breaks from it from time to time.
Posted by: Susan | April 14, 2012 at 12:44 PM