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Birds & Ada Limón


A few weeks ago with birds on the mind, I posted a found poem about a thrasher, and so I was tickled to hear Ada Limón's introduction to Hai-Dang Phan's "My Ornithology (Orange-crowned Warbler)" on "The Slowdown."  "...[A]s birds go, I really like the Brown Thrasher," Limón says. "The bird ...wanders the yard like an upstanding citizen." I laughed in recognition at her description, and then listened to Phan's poem with great appreciation.

Milkweed just published Limón's new collection of poetry, The Hurting Kind, and my friend Mandana Chaffa has reviewed it at the Chicago Review of Books.  Mandana has a great big heart; I think you'll enjoy reading her article—and want to buy the book or check it out from the library.

The May 20th edition of Poetry Friday takes place at Teaching Authors.

Photo: "Townsend's Warbler" by muralist ATM. Part of the Audubon Mural Project, in NYC. Photo by ST, 2019.