Traveling Poetry
Bilingual Cento, Gracias a Gabriela Mistral

April 28th Haiku Report


Streamside echoes of
waterthrush singing spring notes,
seeking company


One of our earliest avian migrants in the spring is the Louisiana waterthrush, and like a Carolina wren, it's a tiny bird with a big voice. Seeing one last week inspired this haiku. I have written a haiku almost every day in April, and while I don't have a perfect record, I'm glad that I've continued through the month. Word choice, syllable count, and reining in silliness have all been challenges that I've enjoyed wrestling with.

The Poetry Friday roundup is at the blog There Is No Such Thing as a God-Forsaken Town.

Image credit: Louis Agassiz Fuertes (artist), Frank M. Chapman (author)., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


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I love all of the "s" sounds in this haiku!

Anastasia, I didn't even realize it at the time I was writing it!

Love this, Susan. I saw Anastasia's comment and chuckled, because for me, it's all the long |e| sounds. They make me think of chirping birds.

Lovely to read your words about this bird, a new one to me. I like the idea of "echoes", Susan.

I had to go listen to one sing -- definitely a little bird with a big voice!

I agree with BOTH Anastasia and Laura. The S sounds and the long Es really make the haiku sing!

Laura, Linda, and Mary Lee, thank you for stopping by and reading! I'm just now noticing the e's as y'all point that out. I'm a fan of these little guys, who do tend to hang out by moving water.

I adore that last line -- it's like an old fashioned personal ad!

Ha, totally! I had fun with the April haiku challenge.

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