Volcano Books, Again

Over at PBS Parents' Booklights blog, I've shared a list of favorite books about volcanoes. (I ran this same list here at the blog a few years back.) I hope you'll stop by and mention your top volcano tales, too.


Photograph: Augustine Volcano, Alaska. Photographer: Game McGimsey. Image courtesy U.S. Geological Survey. Via WikimediaCommons. See Alaska Volcano Observatory for more information.

Guest Blogging at PBS Parents' Booklights

I want Elmo's autograph.

Do you think he'll sign our much-loved (i.e., worn-out) copy of Time for Bed, Elmo! for me? I hope so!

As a longtime fan of PBS Kids programming, I can't tell you how excited I am to be guest blogging over the next several weeks at Booklights, a PBS Parents' blog that encourages children's love of reading.  

I invite all of you to stop by the site and say hello—and read the excellent posts there by the Booklights blogging crew: Gina, Ann, Jen (Jen Robinson's Book Page), Pam (MotherReader), and Susan K. (Wizards Wireless). Another guest blogger will be joining up, too! Updated to add: it's Terry Doherty, of Scrub-a-Dub-Tub.

My introductory post at Booklights is here.
